started at 2024-02-25 06:24:34 and ended on 2024-02-25 06:25:08

06:24:34 : Beastwolf attacks Nahjocheese.
06:24:43 : Gavin hits Nahjocheese extremely hard in the left calf and harms it.
06:24:52 : Gavin hits Nahjocheese extremely hard in the right shoulder and harms it.
06:24:56 : Gavin hits Nahjocheese extremely hard in the right shoulder and harms it.
06:25:00 : Gavin hits Nahjocheese extremely hard in the neck and harms it.
06:25:04 : Gavin hits Nahjocheese deadly hard in the right hand and damages it.
06:25:08 : Gavin hits Nahjocheese deadly hard in the right upper arm and damages it.
06:25:08 : Nahjocheese dies.