started at 2021-11-21 01:39:04 and ended on 2021-11-21 01:43:17

01:39:04 : Milp attacks Gianna.
01:39:04 : old fat Childapple kicks Milp hard in the crotch and slaps it.
01:39:06 : Robus thought pulses Milp extremely hard in the crotch and harms it.
01:39:06 : Xrumx cuts Milp deadly hard in the chest and damages it.
01:39:10 : Gianna pounds Milp extremely hard in the torso and hurts it.
01:39:10 : Robus cuts Milp deadly hard in the left thigh and damages it.
01:39:12 : Kurtsi joins the fray.
01:39:12 : Kurtsi attacks Milp.
01:39:14 : aged fat Ironsweet kicks Milp very hard in the right upper arm and irritates it.
01:39:15 : old fat Childapple kicks Milp hard in the left calf and irritates it.
01:39:15 : Cambriaa cuts Milp deadly hard in the left thigh and damages it.
01:39:16 : Necroedarkslayer cuts Milp deadly hard in the head and harms it.
01:39:16 : Milp dies.
01:39:16 : Milp dies by the hands of Necroedarkslayer.
01:43:17 : Kurtsi leaves the battle.