started at 2021-06-23 17:35:43 and ended on 2021-06-23 17:36:23

17:35:43 : Rocklobstar casts Tangleweave at Polojordan.
17:35:53 : Polojordan casts 'Focused Will' on Polojordan.
17:36:03 : Rocklobstar cuts Polojordan deadly hard in the right thigh and damages it.
17:36:13 : Rocklobstar cuts Polojordan deadly hard in the chest and damages it.
17:36:13 : Rocklobstar cuts Polojordan deadly hard in the chest and harms it.
17:36:16 : Rocklobstar cuts Polojordan deadly hard in the left thigh and damages it.
17:36:19 : Rocklobstar cuts Polojordan deadly hard in the stomach and harms it.
17:36:22 : Polojordan dies.
17:36:23 : Rocklobstar cuts Polojordan deadly hard in the left thigh and damages it.
17:36:23 : Polojordan dies by the hands of Rocklobstar.