started at 2022-06-02 00:27:27 and ended on 2022-06-02 00:28:43

00:27:27 : Snoo attacks Deathangel.
00:27:53 : Chubchub cuts Deathangel extremely hard in the head and damages it.
00:28:03 : Chubchub cuts Deathangel extremely hard in the left shoulder and damages it.
00:28:23 : Chubchub cuts Deathangel extremely hard in the head and damages it.
00:28:27 : Chubchub cuts Deathangel extremely hard in the head and damages it.
00:28:43 : Chubchub cuts Deathangel extremely hard in the neck and damages it.
00:28:43 : Deathangel dies.
00:28:43 : Deathangel dies by the hands of Chubchub.